Thursday, August 6, 2020

Digital Pepeha

Takeaways of the Week!

The hot tip of the week was around Hapara and staying organised. I learnt that you are able to move the paynes around in order to sort learners so you can have priority learners at the top of Hapara. This means that instead of seeing the names in alphabetical order I can move them around to focus on different students at different periods of time.

Our focus this week was on 'media'. In this case, google draw, google slides and youtube, all valuable platforms that I use regularly in my day to day job.

Below is a youtube playlist that I started but haven't had the chance to finish. A cool feature of google playlists is the collaborative button which allows multiple people to add to the playlist. Ideal for this sort of task because as people come across new, appropriate songs, they can just add it to the playlist for all to see and use.

Another thing we focused on was google draw. This was a nice refresher for me and a good chance to get creative. Below is my 'About Me' which I have added to my blog so people can learn a little bit about me. I often use google draw in order to post pictures onto Blogger.

I also got the opportunity to play with my blog layout to make it easier for me to navigate. A lot of time to try new things out today. Very productive day.

Digital Pepeha

Absolutely loved getting the chance to complete my digital pepeha. I got to learn some new reo, connect with some other people with similiar interests and I got to complete something I've long wanted to accomplish. Thank you Makaore for all the support.


  1. Awesome stuff Anna, Makaore was definitely a BIG help today, as were the other deliverers. Keep up the good work!

  2. Kia ora Anna,
    Thanks for sharing all your mahi from the day! Your digital pepeha is awesome, I love seeing where people are from and making connections. With you About Me Google Drawing, you might want to make the text a little smaller so we don't lose the bottom of your message.
    See you Friday!

    1. Thanks Vicki. I have seen my published site and noticed my 'about me' seems to be cut off. Is this something you have noticed. Do you have any advice for fixing it?
