Thursday, July 30, 2020

Workflow - DFI learnings

Something I learnt: For the people to see what I'm looking at, I must present my work. This is not something I did during my screen recording. See the above link for the blog post.

This week our focus is on Learn which is the first of three key concepts for schools in the Manaiakalani cluster and our workflow. By workflow we are referring to being organised on our computer and making things a little easier for ourselves.

We talked about Google Keep which is an app I use personally a lot. I use the collaborative feature regularly with friends and family and it just makes things easier and more efficient for everybody involved. I don't yet use it professionally but am able to see many ways that it could be used within a work environment. Yesterday I went through my art cupboards to see what I needed for the art order and put it into the google doc. Google Keep could replace the doc in this area. Similar to a shopping list it could be an opportunity for teachers to add things they need, as they need them and when the art order gets put in, everything is in one tidy google keep that is regularly updated. This is just one of the many ways a Google Keep could be used in a school. It is something you have access to everywhere you phone is, it can link to your google drive, it's quick, easy and collaborative. Lots of opportunities through this app to improve workflow.

We did some work in our emails, adding labels, filtering emails into those different folders so that they are easier to find. I'm one of those people that doesn't like having unread emails and likes to have everything neatly put away so it was nice to be able to do this digitally also. My personal email got a clean out too thanks to these tips too.
Another area we looked over was our calendar; creating events and organising google meets. The new google calendar extension was the thing I loved the most. It's basically a straight to the point google calendar of your day right at your fingertips. Picture below.

Screen recording was the last thing we did today, I have seen lots of people doing it but I haven't known how to do it myself up until today. Although not something I use in my day to day life, it's nice to have this knowledge in my tool belt. Another awesome session of DFI with plenty of things to take away and apply in my everyday life both professionally and personally.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Anna,

    Great to see you sharing your new skills - and you are right, it's important to share the tab you are wanting your audience to see! I'm glad that there were so many take aways for you. I love the idea of a Keep note for the art supplies, especially as you can just untick those things that are needed again, instead of having to type them out again. I'm also loving the calendar extension - so useful!

    Looking forward to connecting again on Friday.
    Ngā mihi nui
